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Jack Mugler: What speaks when words silence


On the day Jack Mugler completed 42 years, 23rd of may, he premiered the performance O que fala quando as palavras calam (What speaks when words silence), created for the Comunity as Imunity.

Performance for two cameras.

Director of Photography: Francisco Baccaro
Assistant and video editor Pedro de Barros
Soundtrack: Marcelo Campello e Henrique Vaz
Scene Photography: Pedro Escobar

Acknowledgements: MAAT – Museu de Arte, Arquitetura e Tecnologia, Gil Pereira, Marcela Virzi, Eduarda Rosa, Cristiana Tejo, Marilá Dardot, Fernanda Feher and Thiago Verardi.



JACK MUGLER is a multimedia artist and follows a transdisciplinary trajectory in order to create experimental projects that align different investigation fields: visual artes, fashion, cinema and illustration. In his research embraces collage, performance and installations that question the iconography of power and the construction of identity through consummerism, opulence, idolatry and the fetish of the image, in confrontation with the existential emptiness and the setbacks of the reconstruction of identity in a time of post-truth. In his most recent projects, selected solo exhibitions are “Artifício Visceral” (2018), Casa Pau Brasil, Lisbon, and “Gold Strike”, Zona de Coexistência FEA: Festival de Espaços de Artistas 2019, Lisbon. Mugler integrates the community NowHere, an experimental iniciative for research, exchange, thoughts and practices on contemporary art. Mugler was born in the city of Pernambuco in Brazil. Lives and works in Lisbon.

FRANCISCO BACCARO Transitates between means of expression such as photography, sculpture, instalation, public art, videoart and performance. Concentrates his work on social photography, architecture, portraiture and photography direction for cinema. Baccaro has shown his work in galleries and cultural institutions in Europe, USA, and Brazil.

PEDRO DE BARROS Brazilian film-maker living in Portugal since 2016. Gratuated in Audiovisual by the University of São Paulo (USP, BR) and Master in Development of Cinematographic Project by Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema (ESTC, PT). In his career, he has worked in numerous video projects, cinema and TV. Multidisciplinary Artist, also operates in writing, directing, photography and editing.

PEDRO ESCOBAR  Journalist, audiovisual director and photographer. Post-Graduate in Photography by Faculdade de Belas-Artes de Lisboa. The aplication of mixed-medias and the convergence of human tought patterns has always been of his interest. Sexuality, psychoanalysis and communication are central themes in his artistic practice.

MARCELO CAMPELLO Master and PHD in Composing Processes and Theory by the Post-Graduate program in Music by the Universidade Federal da Paraíba (PPGM/UFPB, BR). Navigates between the relations of acessibility, diversity and artistic sustainability as a means of cultural guerrilla, in the megalomany of existence. 

HENRIQUE VAZ Master in Composing Processes and Theory by the Post-Graduate program in Music by the Universidade Federal da Paraíba (PPGM/UFPB, BR). As an investigator works, meditated by essays and workshops, in the encounter of the sociotechnical impact of digital information, and the politization of technology, in it's acessability, the crisis of the subject of law and loss of humanity under the regimens of virtualization of the biodiversity and algorithmic-genetical colonization. From Recife, Brazil.


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