Diana Policarpo & Odete
LYSIS* (2021)
HD video, color, sound
Duration: 12' 24''
Creation, text, soundtrack, voice, drawings, set and props:
— Diana Policarpo & Odete —
A bacteria was found. It was ancient and unknown. It was brought to the lab until it mutated and fled, mysteriously. Panic arose due to fear of a viral consequence. Nothing happened for 15 years - everyone seemed to forget the bacteria. But yet oh yet the bacteria would feel itself in the bodies of human kind. It would form kinship. It would reveal a past that no one thought possible. Altering the past to unmake our own future - that is its power.
*Lysis (/ˈlaɪsɪs/ LY-sis; Greek λύσις lýsis, "a loosing" from λύειν lýein, "to unbind") is the breaking down of the membrane of a cell, often by viral, enzymic, or osmotic (that is, "lytic" /ˈlɪtɪk/ LIT-ək) mechanisms that compromise its integrity. A fluid containing the contents of lysed cells is called a lysate.